Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tucker is 2 weeks old!
So Tucker turned two weeks old today. It's hard to believe it's been that long already. He is such a good baby. He has this calm, laid back personality. He rarely cries, but when he does he means business. He'll sleep 5 or 6 hour stretches at night already. It's amazing! We've been able to take him out on errands and stuff already and he always cooperates. He loves car and stroller rides.

Blake loves helping out with his baby brother. He's an expert at warming bottles, but he has no part in changing diapers. I can't blame him. LOL Aaron has been of work the last two weeks. It's been so great having him around to help out and being able to spend time with him. I'm going to hate it when he has to go back to work next week.

I'm finally starting to feel somewhat like my old self again. Most of the soreness is gone and recovery from the stitches is almost complete. I've only got about 8 lbs to go until I'm back at my pre-pregnancy weight. Yay!

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks:

with me and Blake right after being born

one day old

first night home

first time in his crib (1 1/2 weeks old)

first bath

getting ready for Thanksgiving
posted by Sara at 3:01 PM -
  • At November 24, 2007 at 6:59 PM, Blogger ~Lori said…

    He's a sweetie. Isn't it just awesome?! I am loving my little guy. (He has the same Turkey Day bib too!) And way to go on your 8 pounds left to lose! Can't quite say the same thing here....haha...oh well. he's worth it. :) Happy Thanksgiving!

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