Ugh! |
This is not what I was expecting at all. Overdue?!!?! Ohhhhhh man. With all the talk for months of the baby measuring big and then the excitement last week of being dilated and effaced got us all worked up to have an early (or at least on time!) baby. It never occurred to me that he could and would actually be late.
I've already used up a week and a half of maternity leave and here we are starting another week. I've tried nearly everything. From sitting here waiting for something to happen, to going out of town Saturday. We thought for sure if we went out of town that would be tempting fate too much and surely I'd start having contractions or my water would break while I was far from the hospital. Nope. We did go to Sonic to eat though (they just built one about 30 minutes away...we don't have one in town) and to a brand new Target that just opened. It was a nice distraction for a while. I sure could go for another one of those Toaster sandwiches! Then I was going so stir crazy in the house yesterday so Aaron and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. Again, nothing. Then I baked a cake. It's really hard keeping busy and not going crazy being at home all the time. But at the same time I don't have much energy to do anything. Blake is off school today and tomorrow for election day. He wants to go out shopping later so maybe we'll do that and grab some lunch.
My doctor's appointment isn't until Thursday. That seems so far off. I'm taking my hospital bag with me to the appointment and am hoping she will just send me straight over to labor and delivery to induce me. That is if nothing happens between now and then...which it certainly doesn't seem like it's going to.