After a 5 1/2 hour labor Tucker has arrived. He was born at 2:25PM today weighing 8lbs 7ozs and 21" in length.
The whole experience was amazing. The contractions came on quick and hard once they started and I didn't even have time for the epidural to kick in. OUCH! But the pushing was quick and intense and it was actually pretty amazing to experience the whole thing drug free. Everything about it was different than my labor with Blake. It really couldn't have been any better...well unless that epidural had done it's thing. LOL
So far Tucker has been amazing. He seems very laid back and easy going. He rarely cries and is a big eater already. Hopefully he'll continue to be so easy to take care of.

Yay!!! Congrats! He's a cutie :) Sounds like you all are doing well- thanks for sharing the pics.