Saturday, June 28, 2008
Mothers of little boys work from son up till son down!-- Author Unknown

Baseball is where boys practice being men and men practice being boys, and they get real good at it.-- Mary Cecile Leary

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys."--Harmon Killebrew

There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything quite so special as the love between a mother and a son--Author: Unknown

Some parents say it is toy guns that make boys warlike. But give a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout "Bang!"--George F. Will

Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable.--Plato

Raising Boys
Roberta I. Teague

I scrub the wall of fingerprints, Pick up the mounds of clothes.
I sweep the dirt that shoes track in- Wish I could use a hose!
Meals are served from dawn to dark, Dirty dishes crowd the sink.
Just when they're washed and put away- Everyone wants a drink!
The washer pulls the dirty grime From pants worn thin and patched.
They look so very neat and clean- Yuck, look what the pockets hatched!
Broken bones and bloody knees, I should have been a nurse.
I take it all in shaky stride- Just grateful it's not worse!
Screams and shouts and arguments
Test the keeping of my cool.
They left the neighbor's faucet on- See their new front yard pool!
A soothing bath is ecstasy, A reward at the end of my rope.
Raising boys isn't really bad- But first I must wash the soap!
A rose can say I Love You, Orchids can enthrall; But a weed bouquet in a chubby fist, Oh my, that says it all!

Raising boys is as hard as it looks.

If you have a little boy, All your very own,Then you have enough and more, To make a happy home.

posted by Sara at 1:03 PM - 1 comments

Saturday, June 14, 2008
We went to Myrtle Beach for our annual Anniversary trip. It was our second anniversary but it seems like it shoulda been the fifth or something, I don't know just seems like I've always known Aaron. Anyways, it was a lot of fun and we had nice sunny (but 100 degree) weather. Tucker absolutely loves the water and splashes like crazy. He would laugh at the waves crashing. Blake has really progressed with his swimming over the last couple of years and is doing really well with that. We did a lot of fun stuff but it's probably just easier to summarize with it goes...

on the beach...

He really liked the waves..

getting ready to build a sandcastle

Tucker spent most of his time on the beach napping like this...

checking out the waves...

At Nascar Speed Park...

At the Pavilion Nostalgia Park...

Tucker's first carousel ride...he loved it, he started yelling at me when the ride ended...

Blake and Aaron on the swings...

At the pool...

making lots of splashes...

kicking his feet...

Blake liked shooting everyone with his new water gun...

Pudge and Daddy hanging out by the pool...

Blake spent 90% of his waking hours swimming...

Daddy and Pudge under the mushroom fountain...

in the big pool...

lounging around the hotel...

Tucker's first Myrtle Beach Tshirt...

helping me check email...

Blake and Aaron making cars at RideMakerz...

Broadway at the Beach...

excited to be in the big boy highchair...

on the way home :\ ...

posted by Sara at 9:11 AM - 0 comments
Been a while...
Well I'm totally behind on blogging. We got back a few days ago from was awesome but more on that later. Let's see, what have I missed? Tucker turned 7 months old last week. He's really maturing. He's been saying "da-da" for about a month now. I'll never forget the day when out of no where he blurted out "da-da ba-ba". My six month old was demanding a bottle already?! He's quick. LOL

While we were on vacation he starting talking a lot more. He started saying "ma-ma"! It's so cute and he always uses it at just the right time too. My mom was with us on vacation for a couple of days too and he started calling her by name too "na-na". If he gets fussy he'll go through all the names until someone helps, it'll start with "mama mama mama" then if i don't come immediately it'll be "dada dada dada" then if that still doesn't work in a desperate attempt he'll try "nana nana nana" even though she's not even there.

He also cut two bottom teeth. He's been gnawing on stuff for a while and been working on them but I was still surprised one day to see him open his mouth wide and all of a sudden two little teeth were sticking out! I'm trying to get a picture of them but he doesn't like to participate in smiling big when I have the camera out. He's really been working on crawling too. He has all the right hand and leg motions down, now he just needs to figure out to lift his stomach off the ground.

I never got around to posting Memorial Day pics so here are a few...

posted by Sara at 8:54 AM - 0 comments
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