At my last doctor's appointment the baby was measuring a bit big so she sent me in for another ultrasound to see if maybe the due date is off or if he's just a big boy. Well turns out the due date is most likely right...he's just chubby! Most babies around this stage weigh around 4-4.5 lbs...Tucker is 5lbs already. They gain an average of half a pound a week from here on out so if he makes it to his due date we're looking at about 8.5lbs. Quite a difference from Blake who was born at 6lbs 10ozs. The thought of giving birth to a baby two pounds bigger is a bit scary. Delivering a small baby was hard enough!
Blake had his baby shower for his brother a couple of weeks ago. It was fun and we got lots of nice things. Here are a few pics:
 According to my ticker we have 50 days to go until Tucker's due date!