Hard to believe that another year has come and gone. 2007 was full of surprises and changes. I got pregnant, got really really sick, we moved into a great new house, Blake started a new school that he loves, and Tucker joined our family.
I learned a lot in 2007: that I love my children more than anything in the world and all I really want is to give them a happy life, that marriage isn't always easy but if you're married to the right person that it's worth sticking it out, that I'm never again to have 3 Christmas parties in 4 days (two if which are at my house) followed by my son going to his dad's for Christmas and then having family stay with us (the last month has been reaaaaaaal stressful to say the least), and most importantly that there is nothing more important in the world to me than my family.
Blake's birthday is tomorrow. I can't believe he'll be eight already! Where does the time go?! All he wanted for his birthday, rather than a big party like he usually has, was for us to all go roller skating together. So that's what we're doing tomorrow. That should be interesting...I haven't been on skates in 20 years. I hope no one breaks a leg or something. He also wanted an ice cream cake for his birthday so I've been working on that today. It should be said I have never made an ice cream cake before so hopefully it'll turn out decent.
Here are a few pictures since my last post:
