Friday, February 22, 2008
Mid Feb

So being at home during the week with Tucker and Blake has been amazing. I love spending time with Tucker during the day and being home when Blake gets off the bus in the afternoons. My new job is going well. It took a few days to get used to the schedule (I work until 10pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays), I'm usually used to be being in bed by 10pm! And at first it was a bit weird being in charge of college students, but I've gotten used to that too. Basically what I'm doing now amounts to a Teacher Assistant, which is pretty cool because I've wanted to be a teacher since I was 5 years old...and this is about as close as I'm going to get at this point.

Today school is closed...and just about everything else in town. Why? Well they were calling for a snow/ice mix but NOTHING happened, yet everywhere is still closed. Go figure. Blake is excited about being off today though.

Tucker is getting bigger by the day and is so active and fun. He's starting to grow out of 6/9 month size clothes already. The boy is a chunker! I want to start getting him some summer clothes when I see good deals but at this rate it's hard to tell what size he'll be in by then... size 24 months?!?! Ha!

Here are some pictures from the last week or so:

Valentine's Day

Tucker playing

Tucker Sleeping
posted by Sara at 9:08 AM -
  • At February 23, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Blogger ~Lori said…

    great pictures! Tucker's such a cutie. And Quinn is still getting used to the bumbo seat, but I think he likes it more every time we put him in it. Everyone I know who's had one says their babies love it, so I'd get one for Tucker. :)

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