The Waiting Game... |
So we had quite the eventful appointment yesterday. Turns out I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The doctor was going to send us straight over to labor and delivery right then and there and then come over in a few hours and break my water. I was so shocked and unprepared that I decided just to come home and wait for things to progress on their own.
We picked up Blake and came home in a frantic, running around getting the bags all packed and Blake all ready for Halloween in the event I wouldn't be here. Mom even came over and spent the night in case I were to go to the hospital in the middle of the night.
So far...not so much. I had a few contractions last evening and then a couple overnight. Nothing so far this morning. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have taken the Dr. up on her offer to go to the hospital yesterday. Tucker's a stubborn one!
I was adamant about not having a Halloween baby. The doctor said that means I'll get one. LOL I'm actually fine with it now. Let's just get this show on the road!
Happy Halloween! |
Ahhhhh... | work!
Today is my first day of maternity leave. I've been looking forward to this for a while. I swore I was going to take today just to rest but I'm having a hard time sitting still. I keep thinking of things that need to get done. I got up and dressed at regular work time today and got Blake off to school then ran some errands. I have lots of housework to do now.
I am 39 weeks now! Wow! One week from tomorrow is my due date. I wonder if I'll make it that long?! Aaron thinks tomorrow will be the day, some other family members have picked Sunday the 28th. I really don't have any strong feelings as to a specific date so far. At work yesterday I did have a couple of really strong contractions and for a while I thought it was the real thing. Nothing since then though. I just really hope I'm not in the hospital or having the baby on Halloween. I'd kill me to miss the holiday with Blake and not see him all dressed up or be able to take him trick or treating and I think it'd suck for Tucker to have to have his birthday on Halloween.
Blake is off school tomorrow so I'm looking forward to having one last day to spend time alone with him. I asked him what he'd like to do and all he wants is to play monopoly. I think I can handle that. LOL
At my 38 week doctor appointment earlier this week Tucker was measuring at 40 weeks so sounds like he's maxed out and ready to arrive!
Week 38 |
Wow. It seemed like we'd never get to this point. Two weeks from tomorrow is my due date. And now that it's so close it seems more surreal than ever. I don't know what it is but I still cannot fully comprehend that a real life baby is coming soon. Real soon.
I have one more week left of work. That's the deadline I'm most looking forward to right now. I just need the rest really bad. I think maybe after I stop working the reality of a baby coming might sink in a little more.
At our doctor's appointment this week not much had changed. She thinks the baby had dropped some. Weight and measurements were all pretty much status quo. We go back again on Tuesday. Blake arrived at week 38 1/2 so the nurse practitioner was really stressing how it could be anytime now and to make sure we had our bags packed. Which we don't. LOL We did get the car seat in the car and the bottles sterilized though. Or I should say Aaron did those things while I laid down. He's such a good husband and is going to be such a great father. :) |
37 Weeks... |
Not much to report. At the doctor this week the baby was measuring about a week ahead of schedule and I lost two pounds. They said I could pretty much "go at anytime now". We've been trying to take care of last minute things around the house to get ready - like packing our hospital bags, making sure all the toilets are clean (yeah I don't know...part of nesting I guess), finalizing the plans for who's keeping Blake when and where once I go into labor etc. We still need to install the car seat, set up the bassinet where the baby will be sleeping at first, sterilize the bottles...the list goes on and on.
I had a couple of what I'm pretty sure were contractions yesterday. I had about three at work in the morning but they weren't painful and weren't really consistent so I'm sure they were just Braxton-Hicks. Then last night I had one or two pretty intense ones that were painful, but I took a bath and laid down and they went away.
I found this list about signs that labor may be coming soon...I'm having about 5 out of 8 of them...I don't know, I just don't get the feeling that Tucker is going to hold out until November 2nd. Aaron and I have both picked October 26th as D-day...and there happens to be a full moon that night. The labor and delivery nurse at the hospital was telling us how they always get really busy with women going into labor on full moon nights.
Two weeks left of work. I hope I can make it. It's getting harder and harder everyday just to get up and dressed and out of the house...much less make it through 8 hours then pick up Blake and worry about diner etc.
Doctor's Appt - 36 weeks |
So this week we start going to the doctor once a week. I had an appointment yesterday and...nothing. I weigh the same, the baby measures the same, I'm not dilated. Nothing. I guess we were hoping to hear that things were progressing really quickly or that I'd have to be induced a few weeks early. I guess 4 more weeks to go isn't very long, but right now it feels like an eternity.
We have a lot to do around the house to get ready for the baby, so it's good we have some time. After work I'm so exhausted that I can't make myself do anything, so things only really get done on the weekends. I have exactly 3 weeks left of work before starting my maternity leave and I caaaaaan't wait!
Week 35 Pics (from the apple orchard):
