Been a while... |
Well I'm totally behind on blogging. We got back a few days ago from was awesome but more on that later. Let's see, what have I missed? Tucker turned 7 months old last week. He's really maturing. He's been saying "da-da" for about a month now. I'll never forget the day when out of no where he blurted out "da-da ba-ba". My six month old was demanding a bottle already?! He's quick. LOL
While we were on vacation he starting talking a lot more. He started saying "ma-ma"! It's so cute and he always uses it at just the right time too. My mom was with us on vacation for a couple of days too and he started calling her by name too "na-na". If he gets fussy he'll go through all the names until someone helps, it'll start with "mama mama mama" then if i don't come immediately it'll be "dada dada dada" then if that still doesn't work in a desperate attempt he'll try "nana nana nana" even though she's not even there.
He also cut two bottom teeth. He's been gnawing on stuff for a while and been working on them but I was still surprised one day to see him open his mouth wide and all of a sudden two little teeth were sticking out! I'm trying to get a picture of them but he doesn't like to participate in smiling big when I have the camera out. He's really been working on crawling too. He has all the right hand and leg motions down, now he just needs to figure out to lift his stomach off the ground.
I never got around to posting Memorial Day pics so here are a few...
