nicknames |
I've never been the type of person who was given cute nicknames growing up. My dad used to call me Sara-Beara. And Aaron will call me that occasionally when he wants to tease me. Aaron and I call each other baby. Actually I can't remember the last time I called him by name. My best friend starting calling me Princess years ago...I can't really remember why or how that one got started but so far that's the one that has stuck the most. The same friend also starting referring to Aaron as "idiot boyfriend" back when he was still my boyfriend. (it's a long immature story we'll refer to as the "Napoleon Dynamite phase") Then he became known as "idiot fiance" or IF for short...and now of course "idiot husband", more commonly referred to as IH. Don't get me wrong, no one actually thinks he's an idiot...believe it or not it's an affectionate term.
When Blake was a baby I always called him boogie-bear. Nooooo idea where that came from or why I decided it was acceptable but for some reason it stuck until he was about a year old. Since then he's gone through a serious of nicknames: turkey sandwich, slugger, sonic, buddy, and most recently and most often used Blakey-Wakey. That one was Aaron's geniusousness.
Similarly Aaron started calling Tucker "Tucker-Wucker" and hence we all picked it up and have been calling him that a lot. We still use that one a lot but it somehow didn't seem like the most creative nickname for him. One day Aaron was at work and Tucker and I were watching the Tigers game and I heard the announcer refer to Pudge Rodriguez. And there it was...the perfect nickname for Tucker. Pudge. What could be more fitting? Is he pudgy? You better believe it...and you all know that Aaron is a die hard Tigers fan and it's rubbed off on all of us, which means that Tucker doesn't have much choice but to love them too. So maybe they haven't had the best season so far (come on seriously guys, you can do better than that!) but hey, around our house the Tigers are still cool and Pudge is still awesome.

In other news:
Blake has been playing baseball for the last few weeks. He really loves it this year and is doing great. It's amazing to see the progress over a couple of years. This time the kids are starting to get old enough that they're learning the strategy of the game and there's some real competition.
 Spring has sprung, only it hasn't. Blake is off on spring break this week and I had all these plans of fun outdoor activities we could do but so far it's been cloudy, chilly and drizzly. Yuck.
You know what else rhymes with Tucker???? Firetrucker. Sucker. Pucker. That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll come up with another one.............
I think Quinn has the same Tigers onesie. =) Go Tigers!!
You know what else rhymes with Tucker????
That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll come up with another one.............
I think Quinn has the same Tigers onesie. =) Go Tigers!!