Monday, February 16, 2009
Ultrasound update
Had my follow up ultrasound today. At first the amniotic fluid level was pretty low but then he had me drink as much water as I could stand and then checked it again and it had increased a bit. Most likely the problem was just that I'm a little dehydrated. I have instructions to drink lots of fluids and go back again Monday for yet another ultrasound to check the levels again. I have a regular appointment with my doctor on Friday...then another next week. All these appointments are exhausting. Actually everything is exhausting right now. I'm just painfully tired all the time.

I realized the other day that I needed a couple of new outfits for Chase to wear in the hospital and during the first few weeks since he's going to be smaller and all of Tucker's newborn things will be a bit big for him at first so Tucker and I went out shopping today and found a couple of cute things. It was fun shopping for little baby things again, it was the first real shopping trip I had done for Chase...poor little guy is getting mostly hand me downs so it was nice to splurge just a little on some new things for him.

I'm thinking about talking to work about starting leave a little early. I was planning on working right up til my due date but I'm usually ready for bed early in the evening and the 10pm work nights are killing me and I'm not quite sure I can handle another 10 hour Saturday. Ugh.

Think I'll go see if I can talk Aaron into giving me a back rub. Usually when he gives me one he'll fall asleep after about 2 minutes and I'll still be awake waiting for my back rub to start. LOL
posted by Sara at 8:58 PM -
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