We had our big Christmas baking day last weekend and Tucker had his first ever Christmas cookies. To put it mildly, he is a HUGE fan of cookies. He has probably eaten a dozen of them himself and gets really excited if he even sees the container they're kept in.
The boys are getting excited about Christmas. Today was Blake's last day of school until after New Year's. Tucker gets really excited over anything holiday related. If he sees a snowman we have to sing Frosty the Snowman, if he sees a tree we have to sing O'Christmas Tree, if he sees Santa or anything Santa related he goes "ho ho ho!". He goes around the house pointing to the Christmas decorations going "La La La La" and dancing until we start singing a Christmas song with him. He's at such a fun age.
Here are a few pictures from baking day and some after that of Blake's first basketball game of the season. They've had two games so far and have won both!
