The Dumb keep getting Dumber |
I've never been one to get on a political high horse but I've had enough. I just watched John McCain's announcement of his Vice Presidential running mate and her speech. First off, it's a sad sad world when McCain thinks all he has to do to win over Hillary's voters is to pick a woman. As if any random woman is will do. The Governor of all places Alaska, and for less than two years?! The poor woman is being used, big time, and she must know it. Her speech was amateurish and at times ridiculous. She actually made reference to Hillary Clinton and the 18 million cracks she put in the glass ceiling...and then claimed that she (herself not Hillary) was going to crash through that ceiling. Okay. Couple of problems here. Being selected as the VP nominee by McCain is nowhere even close to anything that Hillary has done. People didn't vote for Hillary only because she is a woman, it was because she has what it takes to be a leader. The self professed "hockey mom" from Alaska? Yeah not so much.
On the other hand I've been following the Democratic National Convention. A year ago this time I actually made the comment that if our next President was a man named Barack Obama that I was moving to Canada. It had nothing to do with him being black, that to me is a non-issue. It was just with a name like that it sounded like he should be hanging out with Bin Laden or something. I was a Hillary fan. I've always been a fan of the Clinton's and all they've done for our country. Bill was easily the best president of my lifetime thus far. Imagine my surprise when one day I decided to take a quiz on The quiz had a series of the candidates responses to questions on every issue possible, only it didn't list which candidate had made which response. You had to blindly choose which one you agreed with more. At the end of the quiz I was quite surprised to find out that I had chosen Obama's answers much more frequently than Hillary's. That's when I knew I had to be open minded and start really listening to what each of them had to say. The first time I've ever voted in my life was in the primary, and I cast my ballot for Obama. I never thought I'd give into all the hype, I usually tend to do the exactly opposite of that but here I am. As the new catch phrase goes: we don't need 4 more of the last 8 years.
Back to School |
Blake started back to school this past week. He had been really upset about the summer being over and insisted he simply wasn't going to go to school. Luckily after attending open house at his school Monday night and meeting his new teacher and seeing his classroom he got really excited. I'm sure running into last year's girlfriend didn't hurt either. It's hard to believe that my little boy is a third grader! Seems like yesterday he was Tucker's age. I've got pictures of the first day back but haven't uploaded them yet. I'll post them when I get around to it.
Speaking of Tucker, he sure is growing and learning lots of things. He's been able to crawl around for a while now. His new thing is pulling up and standing. Every time he does it he gets nervous at first then looks at me for reassurance then is really excited. He has six teeth now and the doctor says we can give him small pieces of table food. I'm not quite ready for that yet. (long story of choking experiences and paranoia)
The fall semester at work started today. Basically that means for me more students, more work and actually having to work a full shift. Things were pretty quiet around here during the summer. I liked it that way. I'm not exactly having the time of my life working a 10 hour shift on a Saturday.
In baby news, I'm into my 12th week now. Just a couple more weeks and I'll be into my second trimester. Hopefully that means less nausea and more energy for me. I'm pretty sick of being couch bound and useless. Last August when I was posting about being pregnant with Tucker I never in a million years would have guessed I'd be posting this August about being pregnant again. It's funny how life comes at you, isn't it? I can't honestly say I have completely positive feelings yet about being pregnant again but even though this was an "accident", none of my pregnancies have been planned and everything turned out great with my two sons so I have to believe that everything will work out eventually and that somehow I will not completely loose my mind having a 9 year old, 1 1/2 year old and an infant. I keep trying to remind myself of all the poor ladies out there who try for years to conceive, or those who know they never can, or those who struggle with miscarriages and try to think that maybe I'm lucky that I'm so damn fertile. LOL
Doctor Day |
I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday. The doctor and nurses all had a good time joking around with us for being pregnant again so soon. Everything went well, we got to hear the heartbeat and had an ultrasound. My due date is March 5th but she warned me that it's likely she won't let me go full term because Tucker ended up being 2lbs bigger than Blake and if that trend continues we're looking at a 10 pounder this go 'round. She said she'll keep a close eye on the baby's weight towards the end and we'll decide then whether to induce early etc. I've lost ten pounds so far since I've been so sick. I can't remember the last time I was in the 120's LOL. I got a new prescription for some nausea medicine and it's my new best friend. I took half a pill last night and was passed out within half an hour and wasn't fully alert until about noon or so today. I think these pills are effective because they put you to sleep. It's sorta hard to puke if you're sleeping. I have to cut down to 1/4 of a pill during the day so I can stay somewhat awake. The dosage is a full pill every six hours. Wow-zers, I'd be asleep until delivery time if I followed that. I do enjoy the fact that I have not gotten sick once today so far. That's probably the first time in a month. Given the choice between frequent vomiting and being in a drugged up trance, I have to go with the latter. |