Blah |
So not much happening here. I had about an hours worth of contractions a few days ago but since then nothing. I don't "feel" like I'm having a baby anytime soon. At my last appointment they told me they wouldn't induce until 41 weeks. Earlier in the pregnancy they were saying 39 weeks. Soooooo I could potentially have 2 more weeks to go.
I've been thinking about something...nearly the whole pregnancy I've been measuring about 2 weeks behind (this week I was measuring at 37 weeks instead of 39) and the baby is small. Well, what if I really AM 37 weeks and the baby isn't small, he's just right (or a little big) for 37 weeks?! What's to say the due date is totally correct? Not that I want to have 3 weeks left instead of one. I'm exhausted and tired of being pregnant. |
last minute losing of my mind |
So towards the end of my pregnancies I tend to lose my mind and become incapable of decision making. Maybe it's the exhaustion, maybe it's the hormones, who knows.
Well the current topic is the baby names. I thought we were settled on Chase but now Charlie is sounding real good to me again.
Opinions? |
38 weeks |
Well 2 more weeks to go...
I went ahead and scheduled my last day at work to be next Thursday so I've just got to talk myself into making it through three more nights. I have doctor's appointments Friday, Monday and Wednesday. Ugh. Keeping up with all these appointments has become a full time job within itself.
I've been ridiculously exhausted lately and have been finding it hard to keep up with Tucker during the day. I just want to nap and he wants to do anything but nap. I'm really looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. |
Ultrasound update |
Had my follow up ultrasound today. At first the amniotic fluid level was pretty low but then he had me drink as much water as I could stand and then checked it again and it had increased a bit. Most likely the problem was just that I'm a little dehydrated. I have instructions to drink lots of fluids and go back again Monday for yet another ultrasound to check the levels again. I have a regular appointment with my doctor on Friday...then another next week. All these appointments are exhausting. Actually everything is exhausting right now. I'm just painfully tired all the time.
I realized the other day that I needed a couple of new outfits for Chase to wear in the hospital and during the first few weeks since he's going to be smaller and all of Tucker's newborn things will be a bit big for him at first so Tucker and I went out shopping today and found a couple of cute things. It was fun shopping for little baby things again, it was the first real shopping trip I had done for Chase...poor little guy is getting mostly hand me downs so it was nice to splurge just a little on some new things for him.
I'm thinking about talking to work about starting leave a little early. I was planning on working right up til my due date but I'm usually ready for bed early in the evening and the 10pm work nights are killing me and I'm not quite sure I can handle another 10 hour Saturday. Ugh.
Think I'll go see if I can talk Aaron into giving me a back rub. Usually when he gives me one he'll fall asleep after about 2 minutes and I'll still be awake waiting for my back rub to start. LOL |
Uggggghhhh |
That's what I have to say about the upcoming week. Aaron's first day at his new job is tomorrow and he has to go up to DC to take care of some paperwork etc. He has to be out of the house by like 5:45am and doesn't know for sure when he'll be back. I have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon and am really hoping he'll be back in time to go to that with me. I found out late last week that my amniotic fluid has decreased which may or may not signal a problem (which could possibly mean I'd need to be induced sooner rather than later) so they're sending me back for ultrasound #4 to run some tests on the baby and see what's going on in there. I really feel like everything is fine but better to be safe than sorry. We packed our hospital bags tonight just to be prepared.
Wednesday my mom has to go in for some testing, she has a painful breast lump so she has an extensive mammogram etc to investigate what that is. Hopefully it'll turn out to be nothing to worry about. Then on Friday I go back to the doctor for a follow up from the ultrasound.
We've been really busy the last few days trying to get ready for the baby. It seems like all of a sudden there is so much to do and all I really feel like doing is sleeping. |
Avon! |
I am now an Avon representative! I'm pretty excited about it, I'm not sure why I didn't think of it sooner. I love make up, bath and body stuff, holiday name it...and of course LOVE shopping so it makes perfect sense for me to combine something I enjoy with making a little money. Plus living with 3 (soon to be 4) boys, I need to do something feminine every once in a while!
My website is you can order online and have your order shipped directly to you for free with coupon code FIRSTREP. Happy Shopping! If you want to be added to my email list to receive coupons and specials just let me know! (