Been a while... |
So it's been a few weeks since I've posted. Not much has changed. The pregnancy is going pretty well, other than the usual exhaustion and now my stomach is starting to interfere with normal everyday things. Like finding a comfortable sleeping position, bending over, getting up off the couch. Aaron has to help pull me up when I'm sitting down...and sometimes when he's trying to pull me up since I'm so front heavy I'll just topple over and fall on the floor. Then we start giggling and I end up peeing myself. Another lovely side effect of pregnancy. LOL
I've been busy setting up and decorating the nursery. I'm almost done, just need a few more things. We're going up to Ikea to get a dresser this weekend then I need to get a lamp and a few other decorations. I'll post a picture once it's all done. Aaron went up to Michigan for a wedding last weekend and came home with a Detroit Tigers crib mobile. It plays "Take me out to the ballgame", it's pretty cool.

I'm seriously over due on posting my weekly belly pics. I'll try to get one up in the next few days.
Only 99 days to go until Tucker's due date. Wow...down to double digits already?!!?!?
Update from the Doctor and Baby Shower |
We had an appointment yesterday. Apparently the doctor we saw at the ultrasound clinic has quite the reputation of freaking people out for no good reason. My doctor's office told us that there is no need to worry...that there is a 99% chance that Tucker will be perfectly normal. Sounds like the ultrasound doctor got me all hysterical for no reason. But it is a relief to hear good news from my doctor. I go back for another ultrasound at the end of the month just to check on everything again. Maybe we'll get some more cool 3D pics! :)
So Blake has decided that he wants to have a baby shower for his brother. He has been coming up with the ideas all on his own. It is so hilarious seeing him make the guest list and pick out games and food. He is taking it very seriously and knows exactly how he wants things, he doesn't want any advice. LOL It's too cute. What a sweet big brother.
Here he is... |
Tucker Jay Webb!
We got these amazing 3D ultrasound pics of his face. It's crazy to see what he looks like already. I'm in love. :) They didn't scan that great, but it gives you a general idea.
 I think he has Blake's chin and Aaron's nose.
 and proof that he is indeed, without a doubt, a boy! LOL |
It's a... |
I gotta say I'm pretty shocked. I was convinced all along that this was a girl! I can't wait to have another little boy...I'm totally out numbered now! Blake is going to be estatic to have a baby brother. Guess I need to return all the pink stuff I bought. LOL
There were some measurements of the baby's brain ventricles that concerned the doctor. It might be an early indication of Congenital Hydrocephalus. We go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound and they will be monitoring it very closely. Needless to say I'm very shocked and upset/worried. I'm trying my hardest not to freak about it too much until we really know what's going on. The most likely scenario is that everything is fine. There is just a very small percentage of a chance that something could be wrong. It's just a game of wait and see...and hope for the best right now.
I'm just hoping for a healthy baby!!!