Belly Pics - 18 weeks |
So I figured I would start tracking my belly growth each week with pictures. I wish I had started sooner so I could see the progress from the beginning but hey I guess it's better late than never.
I knew I was growing but I didn't realize just how big I'm getting until seeing myself in these pictures. So here I am at 18 weeks...almost half way's hard to believe!

Food craving of the week: tacos
Boy or Girl?! |
- So I've been reading lots of old wives tales about how to predict if you're having a boy or a girl...most of them are just crazy and have no logic what so ever. Since I'm dying to know and have to wait until July 2nd until our next ultrasound I did take an online test and here are the results:
83 % chance of having a girl

- I guess I'm getting to the point in my pregnancy where it is obvious that I'm pregnant and not just getting chubby. People at stores, out in public etc are starting to ask me when I'm due. At the grocery store the other week some older man actually asked me if I had been feeling okay and if I needed any help carrying my groceries.
- UPDATE: so I've become obsessed with taking these tests. So far I've taken four and they all say girl. Here's the latest one:

| It's A Girl! | SARA, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby girl, and just look- isn't she just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby girl will weigh about 8 lbs, 2 oz and have brown hair and hazel eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!
Moving...middle names...maternity swimsuit nightmares...etc |
- We are moving in two days. This has been the most disorganized move I've ever had. We didn't have much notice about moving and once we knew I was feeling so sick for so long that I wasn't able to start packing. This last week my mom has been helping and we've pretty much been throwing stuff in boxes to get it ready. Luckily we have movers coming to handle all the big stuff...we wouldn't have been able to do it without them (and thanks to the in-laws!!!) I'll be glad when the move is over and we're all settled.
- I've been thinking about Autumn for a girls middle name. I looooooove fall and since the baby is due in the fall I thought it was even more appropriate. I had briefly considered it for a first name but quickly ruled it out because it was too "nature-y" for me. I think Kayleigh Autumn Webb is pretty though...
- The pool opens next weekend and we are headed to Myrtle Beach for our anniversary/vacation in a few weeks so I ordered a maternity bathing suit online. It arrived a week or so ago but I've been afraid to try it on. I'm sure no matter how it fits that it pretty much isn't going to be a good look. Guess I have to try it on and get it over with sooner or later.
- Here are some pics from Mother's Day:
 - food addiction of the week: donuts and strawberries (but not together)
Name Spellings |
There are multiple spellings for Kayleigh...what do you think?
- Kayleigh
- Kaylee
- Kaileigh
- Kayley
- Kailee
- Kailey
Baby Names! |
We've been decided on a boy's name since before we were even pregnant (Tucker Jay Webb) but had been having a hard time coming up with a girl's name we both liked. Today on the way in to work I was listening to one of our favorite bands, Carbon Leaf, and heard the name Kayleigh in one of the songs. We both love it! So it's settled: Tucker Jay for a boy and Kayleigh for a girl. We're still thinking of ideas for a girl's middle name.
Food addiction of the week: apples with caramel
Doctor |
Today I had my second doctors appointment. This one was just a short visit to get weighed (I've only gained 4 lbs so far), measured and ask any questions. The doctor said everything is going perfectly. We found out we have our big ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby on July 2nd! Can't wait! |
Showing |
So my belly is getting bigger and it's becoming a bit more obvious that I'm pregnant. Maternity clothes are a bit big and regular clothes are a bit small. I have begun wearing maternity pants since I only have one pair of jeans that I can still button.
Food addiction of the week: lemonade
Second Trimester |
So technically now that I'm in my second trimester I'm supposed to be feeling great. That hasn't really happened for me yet. I'm still having morning sickness...although not as severe or as often as I once was. I'm still tired all the time, in my first pregnancy I remember being very energetic around this time. Maybe it's that I'm eight years older. Hopefully relief will come soon. |