Boy or Girl?! |
- So I've been reading lots of old wives tales about how to predict if you're having a boy or a girl...most of them are just crazy and have no logic what so ever. Since I'm dying to know and have to wait until July 2nd until our next ultrasound I did take an online test and here are the results:
83 % chance of having a girl

- I guess I'm getting to the point in my pregnancy where it is obvious that I'm pregnant and not just getting chubby. People at stores, out in public etc are starting to ask me when I'm due. At the grocery store the other week some older man actually asked me if I had been feeling okay and if I needed any help carrying my groceries.
- UPDATE: so I've become obsessed with taking these tests. So far I've taken four and they all say girl. Here's the latest one:

| It's A Girl! | SARA, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby girl, and just look- isn't she just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby girl will weigh about 8 lbs, 2 oz and have brown hair and hazel eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!
And what kind of info do they use to base this prediction on?
It's purely scientific. Cravings, carrying high or low, basketball or watermelon shaped belly etc. LOL
So I just found your blog. I love it. :) I really like your names you have picked out!! We're stumped on's a mental block for both of us, so we've decided to just wait until we find out the sex so at least we can narrow it down a little bit. I am starting to look pregnant too, as opposed to chunky, which makes me happy. I'll take pregnant over chunky any day. I'm going to go take that test you found now to see what we're having. :) (I have a feeling your's is a girl, and I thought that before I found your blog and saw that test!)
ok, so...where did you find those tests?
I have a pretty strong feeling it's a girl too. I can't wait to find out for sure!
Here are the sites for the quizes. Have fun!
Ok, so I took one and it said I have a 50% chance of having a boy and 50% chance of having a girl... Hmm....ya think?! :) I'll have to try another one I guess.
LMAO! Wow those are some odds you got there.
And what kind of info do they use to base this prediction on?