Time Flies |
I cannot believe how quickly time is going by and how fast Tucker is growing. He turned four months old a few days ago. We fed him his first baby cereal today. Once he got the hang of eating from a spoon he really liked it. For about the last month or so he's been so interested in our food when we've been eating so I knew he would be ready soon for some food of his own. We've been giving him teeny tiny tastes of a few things we've had just to see his reaction to new tastes and experiences. He really loved sweet tea, wasn't sure what to think of coke, was confused by apple juice and loved juice from a kiwi and cantaloupe. Aaron had the bright of idea of letting him taste A1 sauce...needless to say he hated that. It's so much fun watching his face and reaction to new things.
I cannot believe Easter is two weeks away. What's up with that?!!? Time really needs to slow down.
Here are some recent pictures:
