Another doctor's appt |
I had another check up yesterday. Nothing exciting, just a routine visit but this time Blake came along. The doctor was going over the signs of labor and when to give her a call and Blake was just taking it all in. She said: "Contractions every five minutes, water breaking, bleeding..." Later on we were having dinner and Aaron and I were talking about the appointment and labor and Blake goes "yeah and you have to take a water break every five minutes." LMAO!
28 weeks belly pics |
Summary for the third trimester so far: everything is swollen, my back kills me, I have to pee non stop and I feel like a cow.
It's been forever since I've done belly pics, so here it goes:

Tucker - 26 weeks |
We had another ultrasound about two weeks ago and got some cool new pictures. Tucker is really starting to get bigger! He was about 2lbs and 2ozs at that time. I think he has changed quite a bit from our first 3D ultrasound. Here's Tucker at about 26 weeks:
He kicks and flips around like crazy. Especially when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, and he usually wakes me up in the morning. Interfering with my sleep already!
I'm about 28 weeks along now...officially in my third trimester. Still seems like forever until November, but I'm sure it will go by quickly.